Ahhh! Sorry I misunderstood what your values of 0 to 10 were. I thought they were data points 0 through 10. But you mean that these are X values or Y values 0 through 10.
In this case you want to define a function that based on the input value a colour is returned. I do this for contour plotting, but I use a linear colour map. In your case you want a discrete colour map based on input value. So in my code when I want to draw a line I do this:
colourMap = QCPLinearColorMap; // My colour stops are defined as values 0.0 through 1.0.
colourMap.addColorStop( 0.0, Qt::red);
colourMap.addColorStop( 0.1, Qt::blue);
colourMap.addColorStop( 0.3, Qt::green);
QPen pen;
pen.setColor( colourMap.color( 0.0, 100.0, xValue)); // Set colour range 0 to 100.0.
// Draw somthing.
The code I use for the linear colour map is below. You just need to modify it to do discrete colour changes rather than linear (basically delete some of my code).
class QCPLinearColorMap
QCPLinearColorMap() {}
~QCPLinearColorMap() {}
void addColorStop( const double &value, const QColor &color);
QColor color( const double &vMin, const double &vMax, const double value);
struct ColorStop {
ColorStop( const double &v, const QColor &c) : value( v), color( c) {}
double value;
QColor color;
QList< ColorStop > colorStops_;
void QCPLinearColorMap::addColorStop( const double &value, const QColor &color)
colorStops_ << ColorStop( value, color);
QColor QCPLinearColorMap::color( const double &vMin, const double &vMax, const double value)
if ( colorStops_.isEmpty()) {
return QColor();
if ( colorStops_.count() == 1) {
return colorStops_[0].color;
// Normalise value between 0 < x < 1.
double x = ( value - vMin) / ( vMax - vMin);
if ( x <= colorStops_.first().value) {
return colorStops_.first().color;
if ( x >= colorStops_.last().value) {
return colorStops_.last().color;
// Using linear search for closest colour stops rather than mid-point search.
// It is unlikely there would be a large number of colour stops.
int i = 0;
while ( i < colorStops_.count() - 2 && x > colorStops_[i+1].value) {
// Interpolate between closest colour stops.
ColorStop &c1 = colorStops_[i];
ColorStop &c2 = colorStops_[i+1];
double dx = c2.value - c1.value;
double r1 = ( c2.value - x) / dx;
double r2 = ( x - c1.value) / dx;
int r = r1 * c1.color.red() + r2 * c2.color.red();
int g = r1 * c1.color.green() + r2 * c2.color.green();
int b = r1 * c1.color.blue() + r2 * c2.color.blue();
return QColor( r, g, b);
I hope this is not too complicated. Have Fun !