Many thanks for your work on QCustomPlot!
I have noticed a few things that could be improved, which I am sharing here:
- The text and icon of QCPPlottableLegendItem are not properly aligned.
- TickLabels can overlap
- default values are not indicated in the documentation
The text and icon of QCPPlottableLegendItem are not properly aligned:
If you change void QCPPlottableLegendItem::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
into this, then they become properly aligned. Note that this could be further improved by allowing the user to set the alignment itself, here I just put vertical and horizontal alignment by default.
void QCPPlottableLegendItem::draw(QCPPainter *painter) { if (!mPlottable) return; painter->setFont(getFont()); painter->setPen(QPen(getTextColor())); QSize iconSize = mParentLegend->iconSize(); QRect textRect = painter->fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, Qt::TextDontClip, mPlottable->name()); int textHeight = qMax(textRect.height(), iconSize.height()); int TopCoord = mRect.y() + (mRect.height() - textHeight)/2*1; // *1 == Qt::AlignVCenter, *0 == Qt::AlignTop, *2 == Qt::AlignBottom int LeftCoord = mRect.x() + (mRect.width() - iconSize.width() - mParentLegend->iconTextPadding() - textRect.width())/2*1; // *1 == Qt::AlignHCenter, *0 == Qt::AlignLeft, *2 == Qt::AlignRight QRect iconRect(LeftCoord, TopCoord, iconSize.width(), iconSize.height()); painter->drawText(LeftCoord+iconSize.width()+mParentLegend->iconTextPadding(), TopCoord, textRect.width(), textHeight, Qt::TextDontClip, mPlottable->name()); // draw icon: painter->save(); painter->setClipRect(iconRect, Qt::IntersectClip); mPlottable->drawLegendIcon(painter, iconRect); painter->restore(); // draw icon border: if (getIconBorderPen().style() != Qt::NoPen) { painter->setPen(getIconBorderPen()); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); int halfPen = qCeil(painter->pen().widthF()*0.5)+1; painter->setClipRect(mOuterRect.adjusted(-halfPen, -halfPen, halfPen, halfPen)); // extend default clip rect so thicker pens (especially during selection) are not clipped painter->drawRect(iconRect); } }
TickLabels can overlap:
If you set the TickLabel font at 60 points or if you have a QCPAxisTickerDateTime with a format like "HH:mm:ss.zzz dddd dd MMMM yyyy", you will notice that TickLabels can overlap. One way to solve this is to change:
void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::placeTickLabel(QCPPainter *painter, double position, int distanceToAxis, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize, int& PreviousLabelPosition) { // warning: if you change anything here, also adapt getMaxTickLabelSize() accordingly! if (text.isEmpty()) return; QSize finalSize; QPointF labelAnchor; switch (type) { case QCPAxis::atLeft: labelAnchor = QPointF(axisRect.left()-distanceToAxis-offset, position); break; case QCPAxis::atRight: labelAnchor = QPointF(axisRect.right()+distanceToAxis+offset, position); break; case QCPAxis::atTop: labelAnchor = QPointF(position, axisRect.top()-distanceToAxis-offset); break; case QCPAxis::atBottom: labelAnchor = QPointF(position, axisRect.bottom()+distanceToAxis+offset); break; } if (mParentPlot->plottingHints().testFlag(QCP::phCacheLabels) && !painter->modes().testFlag(QCPPainter::pmNoCaching)) // label caching enabled { CachedLabel *cachedLabel = mLabelCache.take(text); // attempt to get label from cache if (!cachedLabel) // no cached label existed, create it { cachedLabel = new CachedLabel; TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(painter->font(), text); cachedLabel->offset = getTickLabelDrawOffset(labelData)+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft(); if (!qFuzzyCompare(1.0, mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio())) { cachedLabel->pixmap = QPixmap(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size()*mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio()); #ifdef QCP_DEVICEPIXELRATIO_SUPPORTED # ifdef QCP_DEVICEPIXELRATIO_FLOAT cachedLabel->pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(mParentPlot->devicePixelRatioF()); # else cachedLabel->pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(mParentPlot->devicePixelRatio()); # endif #endif } else cachedLabel->pixmap = QPixmap(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size()); cachedLabel->pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QCPPainter cachePainter(&cachedLabel->pixmap); cachePainter.setPen(painter->pen()); drawTickLabel(&cachePainter, -labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft().x(), -labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.topLeft().y(), labelData); } // if label would be partly clipped by widget border on sides, don't draw it (only for outside tick labels): bool labelClippedByBorder = false; if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) { if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal) labelClippedByBorder = labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x()+cachedLabel->pixmap.width()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio() > viewportRect.right() || labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x() < PreviousLabelPosition; else labelClippedByBorder = labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y()+cachedLabel->pixmap.height()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio() > PreviousLabelPosition || labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y() < viewportRect.top(); } if (!labelClippedByBorder) { painter->drawPixmap(labelAnchor+cachedLabel->offset, cachedLabel->pixmap); finalSize = cachedLabel->pixmap.size()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio(); if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal) { PreviousLabelPosition = labelAnchor.x()+cachedLabel->offset.x()+cachedLabel->pixmap.width()/mParentPlot->bufferDevicePixelRatio(); } else { PreviousLabelPosition = labelAnchor.y()+cachedLabel->offset.y(); }; } mLabelCache.insert(text, cachedLabel); // return label to cache or insert for the first time if newly created } else // label caching disabled, draw text directly on surface: { TickLabelData labelData = getTickLabelData(painter->font(), text); QPointF finalPosition = labelAnchor + getTickLabelDrawOffset(labelData); // if label would be partly clipped by widget border on sides, don't draw it (only for outside tick labels): bool labelClippedByBorder = false; if (tickLabelSide == QCPAxis::lsOutside) { if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal) labelClippedByBorder = finalPosition.x()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.width()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left()) > viewportRect.right() || finalPosition.x()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left() < PreviousLabelPosition; else labelClippedByBorder = finalPosition.y()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.height()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top()) > PreviousLabelPosition || finalPosition.y()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top() < viewportRect.top(); } if (!labelClippedByBorder) { drawTickLabel(painter, finalPosition.x(), finalPosition.y(), labelData); finalSize = labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.size(); if (QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal) { PreviousLabelPosition = finalPosition.x()+(labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.width()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.left()); } else { PreviousLabelPosition = finalPosition.y()+labelData.rotatedTotalBounds.top(); }; } } // expand passed tickLabelsSize if current tick label is larger: if (finalSize.width() > tickLabelsSize->width()) tickLabelsSize->setWidth(finalSize.width()); if (finalSize.height() > tickLabelsSize->height()) tickLabelsSize->setHeight(finalSize.height()); }
And in void QCPAxisPainterPrivate::draw(QCPPainter *painter)
int PreviousLabelPosition; if(QCPAxis::orientation(type) == Qt::Horizontal){ PreviousLabelPosition = viewportRect.left(); } else { PreviousLabelPosition = viewportRect.bottom(); }; for (int i=0; i<maxLabelIndex; ++i) placeTickLabel(painter, tickPositions.at(i), distanceToAxis, tickLabels.at(i), &tickLabelsSize, PreviousLabelPosition);
And in the headers:
virtual void placeTickLabel(QCPPainter *painter, double position, int distanceToAxis, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize, int& PreviousLabelPosition);
Default values are not indicated in the documentation:
I think it would really help if default values were indicated in the documentation. For example, I struggled for a while to understand why my legend was not properly aligned at the top, until I realised that the insetLayout had margins of 12 by default. I think it would be better for this one to put a margin of 0 by default:
In QCustomPlot::QCustomPlot(QWidget *parent)
defaultAxisRect->insetLayout()->setMargins(QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0));
I hope my suggestions help!
Thank you again for developping QCustomPlot!