QCustomPlot Discussion and Comments

Warnings on Qt 6.8.0Return to overview

C:\development\wireshark\ui\qt\widgets\qcustomplot.cpp(6720,48): warning C4996: 'QDateTime::toTimeSpec': Use toTimeZone instead [C:\development\build\ui\qt\qtui.vcxproj]
C:\development\wireshark\ui\qt\widgets\qcustomplot.cpp(6825,15): warning C4996: 'QDate::startOfDay': Pass QTimeZone instead [C:\development\build\ui\qt\qtui.vcxproj]

When are you going to release a new version compatible with Qt 6.8.1 ?

Thanks :)

Any idea when this will be available for Qt 6.8.1?

For now I'm using it like this since I don't need these methods:
QString QCPAxisTickerDateTime::getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
// Q_UNUSED(precision)
// Q_UNUSED(formatChar)
//# if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 2, 0)
// if (mDateTimeSpec == Qt::TimeZone)
// return locale.toString(keyToDateTime(tick).toTimeZone(mTimeZone), mDateTimeFormat);
// else
// return locale.toString(keyToDateTime(tick).toTimeSpec(mDateTimeSpec), mDateTimeFormat);
//# else
// return locale.toString(keyToDateTime(tick).toTimeSpec(mDateTimeSpec), mDateTimeFormat);
//# endif
return "Hello QCP";